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"in the kitchen"

Dr Z's Incredibly Easy Delivery Pizza

Telephone directory
Place to which pizza may be delivered
Pizza delivery service/company with telephone
Some form of payment

Look up telephone number of pizza delivery service
Call telephone number of pizza delivery service
Say "I would like to place an order for delivery"
Select a pizza from the possibilities offered by person on the phone
Request that a menu be delivered with the pizza
Request a total charge amount and an estimate of the time of delivery
Specify whether you will be paying by cash, check, or credit card
Specify your address and a call back telephone number
Verify the entire order including food items, address, and call back number prior to ending the telephone call.
If after dark, turn on porch light
Await the delivery and plan on drinks, place settings, etc.
When doorbell or buzzer rings OR a knock is heard at the door, check for appropriate visual identification by
        observing out the peephole or window by the door
If the appropriate delivery person is visible and identification is appropriate, open door
Accept delivery and check contents of packaging for compliance with the order
If food is correct to order and in acceptable shape from the transport, pay the delivery person, and add a 10-20% tip.
Close and lock door after delivery person leaves.


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