Portrait d'Artaud

The International Society
Chiropractic Optometry

...where the spine leads to the butt®

since 1973

to the
Scientific Process
 Eliminating Refractive Error With Spinal Manipulation




The International Society of Chiropractic Optometry Correspondence Course

Art Anton (New Halifux, CN) writes: "...I done real good.  My vision are 20/20."

Alex Simkind (Flagstiff, AZ) writes:  "...even my hair is softer and more manageable after my correspondence
course in CO."

Andrew Mindcream (Solostito, CA) emails: "I once thought Optometry was dealing with contact lenses. 
Now I enjoy manipulating the lower spinal areas."

Walt Brewcan (Austin, TX) emails: "After just one year of  CO practice, Debbie (my wife) only has to use her contact
lenses and a magnifying glass during sex."




Do not miss the window of opportunity that exists now for getting into this growing field.

Send $99.99 for your how-to guide to: The International Society of Chiropractic Optometry, PO Box 1001, Flagstaff, AZ. 78235.