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Personal stats

1  tyx
Last talked: 18.4 19:27
Visits: 350
Status: Operator
Lines: 16273
Active days: 280/787
Average lines per day: 58
Average letters per line: 23.9
Opped people 239 times
Has kicked out 1 people
Has been kicked out 24 times
Number of descriptions: 10
Topics set: 46
CAPS ratio: 0.7%
Question ratio: 2.1%
Chatkills: 2
Number of nicks used: 10
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
18.4 19:27<tyx> efnet thinks my IP is a proxy
19:27<tyx> ghey
19:27<tyx> they do not like the SPEEDe
2 dehm
Last talked: 12.6 15:26
Visits: 974
Status: Operator
Lines: 9036
Active days: 258/787
Average lines per day: 35
Average letters per line: 27.6
Opped people 241 times
Has kicked out 20 people
Has been kicked out 9 times
Number of descriptions: 134
Topics set: 78
CAPS ratio: 0.6%
Question ratio: 4.2%
Exclamation ratio: 2.0%
Chatkills: 1
Number of nicks used: 13
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
4.6 1:32<dehm> cycle
7.6 18:02<dehm> np: mobb_deep-shook_ones_pt._i_(original_version)
3 champi0n
Last talked: 8.6 8:13
Visits: 218
Status: Operator
Lines: 8272
Active days: 455/787
Average lines per day: 18
Average letters per line: 21.6
Opped people 1165 times
Has been kicked out 1 times
Number of descriptions: 23
Topics set: 56
Question ratio: 5.2%
Exclamation ratio: 0.7%
Chatkills: 2
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
7.6 23:28<champi0n> Where is Deppy
23:28<champi0n> i would like to wish him a happy birthday
8.6 8:13<champi0n> where did fleur go
4 c0r3y
Last talked: 1.1 20:41
Visits: 326
Status: Operator
Lines: 4898
Active days: 118/787
Average lines per day: 42
Average letters per line: 17.2
Opped people 45 times
Has been kicked out 12 times
Number of descriptions: 3
Topics set: 9
Question ratio: 3.6%
Exclamation ratio: 2.6%
Chatkills: 1
Number of nicks used: 3
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
1.1 20:28<c0r> some of ur old fruniture is buikt better than new fruniture
20:37<c0r> haaaa
20:37<c0r> dang
20:37<c0r> i get dizzy when i stand up
20:41<c0r> i dunno
20:41<c0r> got up too fast
20:41<c0r> hha
20:58*** c0r has quit IRC (Quit: My damn controlling terminal disappeared!)
5 amb_
Last talked: 23.8.2007 6:50
Visits: 146
Status: Operator
Lines: 4160
Active days: 211/787
Average lines per day: 20
Average letters per line: 22.6
Opped people 20 times
Has kicked out 1 people
Number of descriptions: 108
Topics set: 22
CAPS ratio: 1.2%
Question ratio: 6.3%
Exclamation ratio: 1.2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
22.8.2007 19:57<amb_> really?
19:57<amb_> what happened?
20:08<amb_> weird
20:09<amb_> maybe he wanted to suck on your dink
23.8.2007 6:50<amb_> cocks
25.8.2007 17:05*** amb_ has quit IRC (ircd.arcti.ca irc.dks.ca)
6 cor
Last talked: 14.10.2007 12:39
Visits: 124
Status: Operator
Lines: 3762
Active days: 74/787
Average lines per day: 51
Average letters per line: 15.9
Opped people 7 times
Has been kicked out 6 times
Number of descriptions: 38
Topics set: 8
CAPS ratio: 1.2%
Question ratio: 3.9%
Exclamation ratio: 2.2%
Chatkills: 1
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
14.10.2007 12:08<cor> haha wtf
12:08<cor> no way
12:08<cor> mmm
12:09<cor> haaa
12:09<cor> why did the cops shoot en?
12:39<cor> haha
14:00*** cor has quit IRC (My damn controlling terminal disappeared!)
7 _Danny_
Last talked: 30.11.2007 19:21
Visits: 255
Status: Operator
Lines: 2429
Active days: 89/787
Average lines per day: 27
Average letters per line: 21.5
Opped people 13 times
Has been kicked out 3 times
Number of descriptions: 79
Topics set: 9
CAPS ratio: 0.5%
Question ratio: 5.9%
Exclamation ratio: 0.8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
12.1 16:22*** _Danny_ has quit IRC (Client Quit)
14.1 12:22*** _Danny_ has joined #a-team
12:23*** _Danny_ has quit IRC (Client Quit)
16.1 18:20*** _Danny_ has joined #a-team
20:30*** _Danny_ has joined #a-team
20.1 1:34*** _Danny_ has joined #a-team
2:53*** _Danny_ has joined #a-team
2:53*** _Danny_ has quit IRC (Client Quit)
23.1 0:00*** _Danny_ has joined #a-team
0:25*** _Danny_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
8 Sephex
Last talked: 31.3.2007 2:12
Visits: 89
Status: Operator
Lines: 1971
Active days: 132/787
Average lines per day: 15
Average letters per line: 18.2
Opped people 14 times
Has been kicked out 8 times
Number of descriptions: 10
Topics set: 10
CAPS ratio: 5.5%
Question ratio: 6.7%
Exclamation ratio: 1.2%
Number of nicks used: 2
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
30.3.2007 23:31<Sephex> the birds will get htem
23:31<Sephex> *them
23:36<Sephex> mesh
23:36<Sephex> netting
31.3.2007 2:12<Sephex> i'm an ER nurse.
6:50*** Sephex has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
13:29*** Sephex has joined #a-team
13:40*** Sephex has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10.5.2007 6:00*** sephex_ has joined #a-team
13.5.2007 1:52*** sephex_ has joined #a-team
9 b0bby
Last talked: 13.4 2:41
Visits: 203
Status: Operator
Lines: 1352
Active days: 101/787
Average lines per day: 13
Average letters per line: 27.2
Number of descriptions: 96
CAPS ratio: 1.3%
Question ratio: 3.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
13.4 2:40*** b0bby has joined #a-team
2:40<b0bby> hiho
2:41<b0bby> damn letters are dancing on screen
11:23*** b0bby has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10 trpmstr-
Last talked: 28.11.2007 11:49
Visits: 45
Status: Operator
Lines: 1247
Active days: 25/787
Average lines per day: 50
Average letters per line: 24.3
Opped people 13 times
Has been kicked out 2 times
Number of descriptions: 22
Topics set: 14
CAPS ratio: 0.7%
Question ratio: 3.1%
Exclamation ratio: 1.5%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
28.11.2007 11:49<trpmstr-> talkcity is the shit
11:49<trpmstr-> you guys should join
11:49<trpmstr-> :D
13:35*** trpmstr- has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
15:04*** trpmstr- has joined #a-team

Big Numbers

dehm popped in and out all the time, joining #a-team 974 times during this reporting period...
E-bortion liked showing off, giving 176 self-descriptions.
 [00:30] * E-bortion has quit IRC
z0id had the kicking boots on, using them on 29 people in #a-team.
 [14:33] <katalyst> i lost my cock
[09:16] * katalyst was kicked by z0id (banned:please do not steal nickz, sir.)

Also JimCramer tried to look cool by kicking out 23 people.

tyx had a problem with authority and got booted out 24 times.
 [11:13] <tyx> ha
[11:13] * tyx was kicked by ARKiV|OSU (STUPID!)

c0r3y was thrown out just 12 times.

dehm knew those right words and said "Flood" for 5 times.
champi0n was generous with their oppings - 1165 in total on #a-team.

OscarHS behaved badly and got deopped 14 times.
tyx didn't have anyone to talk to and performed 379 monoloques (writing over 5 lines in a row).

Runner-up auto-chatter: dehm - was caught talking to themself 274 times.

dehm had a sticky shift button - wrote 56 lines in CAPS.
 [20:01] <dehmmy> FAWQSX
zzzoned didn't know when to stop typing, averaging 46 letters per line.

(normal people in #a-team wrote about 25 letters/line)

378 net splits were detected during the reporting period - on average that is 3.36 splits per week

Most splits per day: 4 splits on 22.6.2006

Longest net split occurred on 27.8.2007 5:52 and lasted for 718 h 36 min (2 people dropped during this split)

The most people (14) dropped on 12.1.2007 16:39. This split lasted for 30 min.
People with the most nicknames (still haven't found the best one, dehm...)
dehm13 Nicks dehm(54%), dehmmy(31%), dexamyl(9.7%), dehm-(2.1%), deh-m(1.4%), dehm_(1.0%), dehm^(0.1%), dehmm(0.0%), dehm1(0.0%), dehmmy_(0.0%), dehm^two(0.0%), deam-i(0.0%), dehmuh(0.0%)
tyx10 Nicks tyx(91%), tyx_(4.5%), tyx-(2.8%), tyx___(0.7%), tyxx(0.5%), tyxxx(0.2%), tyx____(0.0%), tyxxxxxxx(0.0%), tys(0.0%), tyx__(0.0%)
E-bortion10 Nicks E-bortion(96%), E-3s-away(3.1%), E-haircut(0.0%), E-away(0.0%), E-punch(0.0%), E-bation(0.0%), E-vodka(0.0%), E-sleep(0.0%), E-bbl(0.0%), E-brb30(0.0%)
iR^6 Nicks iR^(61%), iR-(28%), iR(8.9%), iR_Clone(1.0%), iR__(0.0%), iR--(0.0%)
ashee6 Nicks ashee(99%), ashez(0.3%), ashezx(0.0%), ashee-kvm(0.0%), ashor(0.0%), ashee_(0.0%)

Activity distribution

9/2007 - 8/2008

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0.3%)
1 (0.3%)
1 (0.3%)
1 (0.3%)
7 (2.0%)
204 (59%)
130 (38%)

Popular words in #a-team:

Count Word Last used by At
242 "something" JCOKE 10.3 18:43
240 "fucking" dehm 12.6 15:26
203 "computer" JCOKE 8.3 20:58
194 "because" champi0n 9.2 21:00
169 "listening" champi0n 29.3 20:12
165 "anything" champi0n 15.2 22:04
163 "purchase" shangula 17.4 17:03
148 "channel" champi0n 25.3 21:51
144 "thought" JCOKE 10.3 18:40
138 "believe" champi0n 28.3 21:11

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
1091 "tyx" champi0n 29.3 20:43
701 "zzzoned" JCOKE 17.4 17:26
365 "dehm" shangula 29.3 20:17
327 "z0id" b0ssman 4.6 7:13
291 "champi0n" champi0n 30.3 1:48

Who has their own private vocabulary?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample(amount)
102 dehm "Downstream"(51), "Mariano"(5), "discrete"(5), "GNU/Linux"(4), "EXECUTIVE"(3), ...
88 tyx "rodhard"(9), "useless"(8), "suburbs"(6), "rooibos"(6), "village"(4), "tagging"(3), ...
53 champi0n "surfing"(10), "howcome"(9), "1-Intel"(10), "marvelz"(5), "studiez"(4), "Marvell"(4), ...
16 b0bby "allways"(8), "allmost"(6), "traktor"(4), "woudent"(3), "entrance"(3), "cheapest"(3), ...
14 c0r3y "/bin/sh"(4), "diazapam"(7), "Mathers"(3), "width=1"(6), "inhaler"(3), "commands"(3), ...
10 amb_ "emailed"(5), "sammich"(4), "brybeck"(3), "blaster"(3), "miracle"(3), "cheeses"(3), ...
9 _Danny_ "elektro"(4), "science"(4), "stealth"(3), "quantum"(3), "amsterdam"(8), "jojolino"(3), ...
6 Simkin "*shrug*"(5), "Coolpix"(3), "vibrates"(3), "waterfall"(4), "vibrations"(4), "06:58:pm"(8)
6 cor "Bootleg"(5), "exicans"(3), "Infamous"(4), "galleries"(3), "mmmmmmmmmmm"(3), ...
6 Sephex "Harmony"(3), "sovereign"(3), "#leftsock"(3), "kraftwerk"(3), "C0R3G0D"(5), ...

These pairs speak with their own words
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample(amount)
85 tyx and dehm "recieved"(20), "routing"(6), "clonazepam"(15), "opposed"(4), "Cypress"(3), "pretend"(3), ...
66 tyx and champi0n "dollarz"(12), "sticker"(7), "refused"(5), "seltzer"(4), "despise"(3), "tract0r"(6), "article"(3), ...
65 tyx and amb_ "fairview"(13), "housing"(9), "typical"(6), "princess"(9), "theatre"(3), "preachy"(3), ...
32 dehm and champi0n "Upstream"(17), "Linksys"(9), "january"(5), "napster"(3), "routers"(3), "knocked"(3), ...
30 c0r3y and cor "MARSHALL"(10), "hungary"(5), "hommies"(4), "G.-Nate"(7), "Nirvana"(3), "adapter"(3), ...
21 tyx and c0r3y "noodles"(11), "recieve"(7), "punched"(6), "needles"(6), "blotter"(5), "samsung"(5), ...
20 tyx and zzzoned "veggies"(6), "sedated"(4), "ripping"(3), "storage"(3), "symptom"(3), "therapy"(3), ...
18 dehm and amb_ "amusing"(5), "victoria"(8), "flights"(4), "opinion"(3), "Houston"(3), "carrier"(3), "isdst=1"(6), ...
18 tyx and cor "million"(10), "quiznos"(9), "anarchy"(8), "gardens"(4), "swallow"(4), "cheesey"(3), ...
13 dehm and c0r3y "browser"(7), "jumping"(5), "compile"(4), "reverse"(3), "cookies"(3), "vicodin"(3), ...

Special words by time of day
  Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1"planned"(31)"register"(6) "fighter"(12)"example"(12)
2"protein"(6)"cowboys"(11) "cigarettes"(11)"Scratch"(10)
3"farming"(4)"marriage"(3) "obvious"(6)"goodnight"(33)
4"foreskin"(3)"javascript"(7) "cingular"(6)"shrooms"(8)
5"swaying"(3)"Console"(11) "premier"(6)"community"(12)
6"ferrari"(4)"tallest"(6) "windowz"(4)"violent"(10)
7"killarney"(3)"shaolin"(5) "exhaust"(4)"vitamin"(8)
8"prepercuss"(3)"tiffany"(3) "disease"(4)"hahahaha"(12)
9"Stinger169"(6)"rodhard"(9) "knowing"(3)"crayons"(6)
10"prepercussions"(27)"kewlopolis"(6) "stations"(7)"streams"(7)

Special words by day of week
  Monday Tuesday -
Friday Saturday -
1"codeine"(11)"enjoyed"(8) "overclock"(14)"planned"(31)
2"wouldve"(3)"complex"(10) "EMPLOYER"(7)"timeout"(15)
3"crashes"(3)"smaller"(9) "folders"(4)"Hussein"(6)
4"promise"(3)"dropping"(8) "finland"(3)"sunfire"(5)
5"ibuprofen"(7)"nuclear"(7) "Assassin"(10)"noodles"(11)
6"motorola"(3)"filters"(8) "hologram"(6)"snowing"(6)
7"Console"(11)"grabbed"(7) "americas"(4)"Taucher"(10)
8"Diamond"(6)"landing"(12) "renamed"(3)"orbital"(5)
9"widgetz"(3)"Brothers"(6) "lysergic"(3)"wondered"(4)
10"Manchester"(3)"pussies"(5) "hellbrand"(6)"stylish"(3)

#a-team relation map

#a-team relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.22
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
  More important           Less important

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mIRCStats v1.22 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen